Comm Eye Health South Asia Vol. 34 No. 112 2021. Published online 21 December, 2021
Running a safe eye service for patients and personnel

Safety is of paramount importance when delivering health care. Not only is it vital to keep patients safe during their journey to seek and receive medical care, but it is also equally important to protect health care’s most valuable resource: staff members. In this issue, we explore what safe practice means specifically for eye care service providers by applying the fundamentals of safe practice both inside and outside our institutions.
- Running a safe eye service for patients and personnel
- The role of management in providing safe eye care delivery
- Infection control for safety and quality
- The role of an infection prevention and control nurse
- Patient-centred hospital design to improve safety
- Safety during outreach activities in eyecare
- Safe management of ophthalmic health care waste
- Transforming waste management in an eye hospital in Nepal
- Safety around medicines for eye care
- Keeping staff members safe
- Cleaning the operating theatre
- Rhino-orbital mucormycosis following severe COVID-19 infection