Comm Eye Health South Asia Vol. 37 No. 124 2024. Published online 24 December, 2024
Microbial keratitis: a practical guide

Microbial keratitis is a sight-threatening ocular emergency which affects several million people worldwide each year, resulting in loss of vision and negatively impacting people’s quality of life. In this issue, we provide diagnostic and treatment guidance for all eye health workers, including specific recommendations for those working in settings where diagnostic laboratory support is either limited or not available. We also offer resources in the form of posters which can be used to raise awareness amongst community pharmacists and the public.
- Microbial keratitis: a practical guide
- Diagnosing microbial keratitis in different settings
- Pythium insidiosum: the organism that mimics fungal keratitis
- Managing microbial keratitis in resource-limited settings
- POSTER | Corneal infection: Act fast to prevent blindness!
- Educating community members in Nepal about microbial keratitis
- POSTER | A Tale of Two Farmers
- Flyer | कॉर्नियल संक्रमण: अंधापन रोकने के लिए तुरंत कार्रवाई करें!
- கருவிழித் தொற்று: பார்வையிழப்பைத் தடுக்க, விரைந்து செயல்படுங்கள்!