About us
The Community Eye Health Journal South Asia Edition is a quarterly publication, aimed to ensure that up‐to‐date and relevant information reaches eye care workers of all levels in the countries where the burden of eye disease and blindness is greatest. It seeks to refresh skills learnt many years previously, share good practice and motivate people to reach beyond the eye clinic and into communities – thereby improving the eye care and health outcomes of people throughout the developing world.
Our peer reviewed articles are written by experts in the field and combine clinical issues with public health approaches which include research, planning and management, appropriate technology, training, planning and advocacy.
The Secretariat for the CEHJ South Asia Edition is located at the Pragyaan Sustainable Health Outcomes (PRASHO) Foundation, Hyderabad, India. An Advisory Committee and Editorial Board have been constituted to guide the development of the South Asia edition. We welcome you to get involved with our efforts, as an author, or as a representative of your organisation/ conference to expand our readership.
The Community Eye Health Journal International Edition is sent free to over 22,000 health care providers worldwide, mainly in low and middle-income countries. Our total readership is approximately 35,000 when our French, Indian, Chinese and Spanish editions are included.
The journal relies on our core supporters to keep going and we gratefully acknowledge the significant funding we receive from them. We are indebted to their long-term commitment towards the continuing education of eye care professionals working in low resource and isolated settings.